Logo Google qua từng năm - 2001

Thứ năm - 31/01/2008 22:46
Đây là các logo của google được sử dụng trong năm 2000.

2001 Holiday Logos and Events -- Google style!

Season's Greetings with a Google Doodle:

Happy Holidays from Google

Google Celebrated the Nobel Prize Centennial Award Ceremony on December 10.

Nobel Prize Award Ceremony - December 10, 2001

Happy Thanksgiving in the United States (November 22)

Happy Thanksgiving - November 22, 2001

Google celebrated Monet's birthday on November 14.

Claude Monet's birthday - November 14, 2001

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween - October 31, 2001

On August 15th, Google celebrated the Korean Liberation Day.

Korean Liberation Day - August 15, 2001

On August 1st, Google celebrated the Swiss National Day.

Swiss National Day - August 1, 2001

Vive la France - Bastille Day (July 14)

Le Jour de la Bastille - July 14, 2001

Happy Independence Day in the United States (July 4)

Independence Day - July 4, 2001

Happy Canada Day (July 1)

Canada Day - July 1, 2001

Happy Father's Day! (June 17)

Happy Father's Day - June 17, 2001

We once again honored our Moms on May 13.

Click to see Mother's Day tribute.  May 13, 2001

On April 22, Google celebrated Earth Day.

Earth Day - April 22, 2001

Did you find the "hidden" Easter eggs on the results page?

Happy Easter - April 15, 2001

On March 17th, Google green was the appropriate attire.

St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2001

March 9th was the start of the Indian festival of color - Holi.

Holi - March 9

On February 14, hearts decorated our homepage with this logo and the return of Ken Perlin's applet:

Happy Valentine's Day - Feb. 14, 2001    

The "Year of the Snake" began on January 24th (Lunar New Year):

Lunar New Year - Jan. 24, 2001

Google rang in 2001 with:

Happy New Year - Jan. 1, 2001

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