Lên 1 dòng - Move one line up | ↑ |
Xuống 1 dòng - Move one line down | ↓ |
Sang phải 1 ký tự -
Move one character to the right |
→ |
Sang trái 1 ký tự -
Move one character to the left |
← |
Lên 1 trang màn hình -
Move one screen-full up |
Xuống 1 trang màn hình -
Move one screen-full down |
Sang trái 1 trang màn hình -
Move one screen-full to the left |
Ctrl + Page Up |
Sang phải 1 trang màn hình -
Move one screen-full to the right |
Ctrl + Page Down |
Đỉnh trang Web -
Go to top |
Home |
Cuối trang Web -
Go to bottom |
End |
Cycle focus forward within active context | Tab |
Cycle focus backward within active context | Shift + Tab |
Activate | Enter |
Exit context or cancel | Esc |
Display context (right-click) menu | Shift + F10 |
Properties dialogue | Alt + Enter |
Mở file - Open file | Ctrl + O |
Lưu lại trang Web - Save copy of page | Ctrl + S |
In trang - Print page | Ctrl + P |
Ẩn vào khay hệ thống - Hide Opera | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H |
Hoàn tác - Undo recent changes | Ctrl + Z |
Redo recent changes |
Copy selection to clipboard |
Move selection to clipboard |
Paste from clipboard |
Copy selected text to "Notes" panel | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Chọn hết - Select all | Ctrl + A |
Delete selection (or character right of cursor) | Delete |
Delete selection (or character left of cursor) | Backspace |
Toggle text-style bold | Ctrl + B |
Toggle text-style italic | Ctrl + I |
Toggle text-style underline | Ctrl + U |
Chuyển chế độ mã hóa từ Hec sang Unicode -
Convert hex to Unicode |
Ctrl + Shift + X |
Tìm chữ - Find text | Ctrl + F |
Find next instance of text |
Find previous instance of text |
Search for text in page (press F9 first to set focus on page) |
Search for text in links in page (press F9 first to set focus on page) |
Go to your home page |
Enter a Web address | F2 |
Paste and go in current or new tab | Ctrl + Shift + V |
Speed Dial | Ctrl + 0-9 |
Enter nickname for fast bookmark access | Shift + F2 |
Save page address as new bookmark | Ctrl + D |
Save as new bookmark in active bookmark folder | Ctrl + Shift + D |
Reload (get latest version of) page |
Reload selected frame |
Stop page loading | Esc |
Cancel current voice prompt | Esc |
Go to next page in history |
Go to previous page in history |
Fast Forward |
To remove the last part of any Web address (such as a sub-directory) and go to that address, press Ctrl + Backspace.
Xem trang in - Print preview (toggles on/off) | Ctrl + Shift + P |
Use entire screen for browsing | F11 |
Toggle "Fit to width" | Ctrl + F11 |
View page source | Ctrl + U |
View source of active frame | Ctrl + Shift + U |
Validate source of active page or frame | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U |
Mở công cụ dùng cho việc phát triển trình duyệt
Open developer tool |
Ctrl + Shift + I |
Increase zoom % by steps of 10 |
Decrease zoom % by steps of 10 |
Phục hồi trạng thái gốc -
Restore zoom to 100% |
Chọn liên kết tiếp theo trong trang -
Select next link in page |
Ctrl + ↓ |
Chọn liên kết trước trong trang -
Select previous link in page |
Ctrl + ↑ |
Truy cập địa chỉ đã chọn -
Follow selected link |
Enter |
Mở link đã chọn trong 1 table mới -
Open selected link in new tab |
Shift + Enter |
Mở link đã chọn trong 1 table nền -
Open selected link in background tab |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Ghi lại link đã chọn
Save link target (such as document or image) |
Ctrl + Shift + S |
Navigate between links and form elements | Shift + ← ↑ → ↓ |
Đăng nhập tự động điền form sd 'đũa thần' -
Log in/auto-fill form using the Wand |
Ctrl + Enter |
Tới mục tiếp trong Form -
Go to next element in form |
Tab |
Trở lại mục trước của form -
Go to previous element in form |
Shift + Tab |
Đánh dấu 'tích' -
Select form element |
Toggle HTML access keys | Shift + Esc |
Enter HTML access keys | A-Z and 0-9 |
Mở table mới -
Browse in new tab |
Ctrl + T |
Đóng table hiện tại -
Close active tab |
Mở lại table đã đóng -
Undo closing of tab |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
Mở cửa sổ mới -
Browse in new application window |
Ctrl + N |
Đóng cửa sổ hiện tại -
Close application window |
Duyệt qua các table theo thứ tự vừa mở-
Cycle to next tab (defaults to recently used order) |
Ctrl + Tab |
Duyệt qua các table theo thứ tự cũ hơn -
Cycle to previous tab (defaults to recently used order) |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
Chuyển sang table trước -
Switch to previous tab on tab bar |
Ctrl + Shift + F6 |
Chuyển sang table tiếp -
Switch to next tab on tab bar |
Ctrl + F6 |
Toggle last active panel with panel selector | F4 |
Toggle last active panel | Shift + F4 |
Activate panels for keyboard navigation | F7 |
Expand all folders/views in panel | Shift + → |
Collapse all folders/views in panel | Shift + ← |
Open "Search" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 1 |
Open "Bookmarks" panel |
Open "Mail" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 3 |
Open "Contacts" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 4 |
Open "Chat" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 5 |
Open "Notes" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 6 |
Open "Transfers" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Open "History" panel |
Open "Links" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 9 |
Open "Windows" panel | Ctrl + Shift + 0 |
Open bookmark | Enter |
Open bookmark in new tab | Shift + Enter |
Open bookmark in background tab | Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Mark all e-mail in selected view as read | Ctrl + Shift + A |
Show messages associated with contact | Enter |
Compose message to contact | Shift + Enter |
Open transferred file | Enter |
Edit your preferences |
Quickly edit most popular preferences | F12 |
Edit browser appearance | Shift + F12 |
Set focus to Web page (to enable keyboard navigation) | F9 |
Set focus to address field |
Set focus to search field | Ctrl + E |
Set focus to personal bar (only when you have search fields) | Shift + F7 |
Restore original address in address field and set focus to page | Esc |
Manage bookmarks |
Manage transfers |
Manage history |
Manage links | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Check e-mail | Ctrl + K |
Write new message | Ctrl + M |
Attach files to message | Ctrl + O |
Upload queued messages to mail server | Ctrl + Shift + K |
Send composed message |
Go to next message | J |
Go to previous message | U |
Go to next unread message |
Go to previous unread message |
Move one screen-full up | Shift + Space |
Move one screen-full down, then go to next unread | Space |
Scroll up in message body (even if focus on message list) | Alt + ↑ |
Scroll down in message body (even if focus on message list) | Alt + ↓ |
Set focus to message list | F8 |
Set focus to message | F9 |
Expand all threads | Shift + → |
Collapse all threads | Shift + ← |
Mark thread as read | M |
Mark thread as read, go to next unread | N |
Mark selected message as read | K |
Mark selected message as read, and go to next unread e-mail | G |
Mark selected message as read, and go to previous unread e-mail | T |
Mark selected message as unread | Shift + K |
Mark all messages in active view as read | Ctrl + Shift + A |
Move selected message to Trash | Delete |
Delete selected message permanently, without moving to Trash | Shift + Delete |
Reply to message | R |
Reply to all recipients of message, including sender | Shift + R |
Forward message | F |
Redirect message | D |
Continue editing message (Drafts, Outbox, and Sent views) | Enter |
Focus "Quick reply" field |
Save sender's address as new contact | A |
Save attachments | Shift + S |
Label message (for example important or funny) | L, 1-7 |
View all messages associated with sender | E |
Copy raw message data to clipboard | C |
Toggle different layout of message list and message body | I |
Download and list available rooms on chat server | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Set focus to chat input field | Shift + F9 |
Open Opera's help window | F1 |
Search while viewing help page | Ctrl + F |
Opera 9.5 disables the following single-key shortcuts, which were enabled by default in Opera 9.2 and previous. To re-enable these shortcuts, check the box marked "Enable single-key shortcuts" in Preferences > Advanced > Shortcuts.
Function - chức năng
Single-Key Shortcut - Phím tắt đơn
Switch to previous tab on tab bar | 1 |
Switch to next tab on tab bar | 2 |
Cycle through frames in page | 3 and Shift + 3 |
Minimize tab | 4 |
Restore/Maximize tab | 5 |
Restore zoom to 100% | 6 |
Zoom out by 100% | 7 |
Zoom in by 100% | 8 |
Zoom out by 10% | 9 |
Zoom in by 10% | 0 |
Cycle through links in page | A and Q |
Cycle through headers in page | S and W |
Cycle through elements in page | D and E |
Toggle between author mode and user mode | Shift + G |
Address bar history drop-down | H |
Load and display all images | I |
Toggle loading of images | Shift + I |
Speak selected text | V |
Forward | X |
Fast forward | Shift + X |
Back | Z |
Rewind | Shift + Z |
Những tin mới hơn
Những tin cũ hơn
1. Môi trường máy chủ Yêu cầu bắt buộc Hệ điều hành: Unix (Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora …) hoặc Windows PHP: PHP 5.4 hoặc phiên bản mới nhất. MySQL: MySQL 5.5 hoặc phiên bản mới nhất Tùy chọn bổ sung Máy chủ Apache cần hỗ trợ mod mod_rewrite. Máy chủ Nginx cấu hình các thông...
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